Wednesday, December 6, 2006

day 3

Well today has been straight up frustrating, lost my first 2 10 dollar buy ins to hands like these...

One out


But hey what can you do I guess. I pretty much broke even today by getting 2 back to back finishes in 2 18 person turbos, using the system, which I will reveal later. I was pretty much slaughtering the 2nd one when this hand came up.


When she raised I thought the call with the 2 9s was fine. When the flop came with the open ender straight flush, I decided if she bet I just going to push, because pretty much only hand she could call with is the ooops yea well that exact hand, but I had her covered 4 to 1 so I'm not mad with the play at all them wham! I haven't hit a card like that in a llloooong time. I was massive chip leader, then heads up I was about 2 to 1 chip leader when I flopped top pair with 10 9 on a 10 7 3 board, I bet out big and got called, turn was a 9 and I pushed and get called by ace 3? And yea he hit the ace on the river and told me he knew he was behind but didn't care because he cashed haha, but ah well. So today kinda sucked but I salvaged it, I having pretty good patience despite the low stakes and a few bad hands, will have more tomorrow, I'm at around 80.

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